NoPalm Ingredients featured by


NoPalm Ingredients has been featured on “Online Kenniscentrum Duurzaam Ondernemen”.

"The online Knowledge center in the field of sustainable and corporate social responsibility", offered by Van der Molen, has been established for 20 years now; gives the complete history of CSR in the Netherlands in 19,000+ news items. This web portal is a contribution to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12: Sustainable consumption and production.

NoPalm Ingredients had the great pleasure and honnor to be interviewed by Folkert van der Molen for the Online Kenniscentrum Duurzaam Ondernemen.

By reading the interview below, you will have a concise overview of our consistent work at NoPalm Ingredients, our dedication, some of the encountered challenges (Transparency is very important for us!), the unique selling point of our oil and how it is reshaping the future to be more sustainably beneficial for both us and future generations!


NoPalm Ingredients featured by NRC


NoPalm Ingredients: Start-up in the spotlight! By Innovation Origins